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The Council

The current members of the Parish Council are:

Dr Martin Warnes (Chair)

Neil Glendinning (Vice Chair)

David Greenacre

Richard Read 

Donna Wilby

Richard Simpson

John Armstrong

Councillors can be contacted via the Clerk - see below.

The Clerk to the Council is:

Angela Colbridge
Telephone: 07584 136402
Email: clerk.mutfordpc@outlook.com 

Angela Colbridge took over from Jenny Sheahan (Acting Clerk) on 1st July 2022. 

The East Suffolk Councillors for the Parish are:

Cllr Myles Scrancher is the District Councillors for the Parish click here for contact details

The Suffolk County councillor for the Parish is:

Cllr Judy Cloke is the County Councillor for the Parish click here for contact details