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The Council

The current members of the Parish Council are:

Dr Martin Warnes (Chair)

Neil Glendinning (Vice Chair)

David Greenacre

Richard Read 

Richard Simpson

John Armstrong

Councillors can be contacted via the Clerk - see below.

The Clerk to the Council is:

Angela Colbridge
Telephone: 07584 136402
Email: clerk.mutfordpc@outlook.com 

Angela Colbridge took over from Jenny Sheahan (Acting Clerk) on 1st July 2022. 

The East Suffolk Councillors for the Parish are:

Cllr Myles Scrancher is the District Councillor for the Parish click here for contact details

Cllr Letitia Smith is the District Councillor for the Parish

The Suffolk County councillor for the Parish is:

Cllr Judy Cloke is the County Councillor for the Parish click here for contact details