Parish Council
Mutford and Rushmere Village Hall, Mill Road Mutford offers a lovely venue for clubs and groups for activity sessions and for community events and is regularly used by a wide range of local clubs. The hall serves as a community hub and Village Hall Committee organise regular events for residents.
The hall can accommodate 90 people seated at tables or for dances and 100 people in theatre style seating. There is a kitchen that can be used for refreshments and a stage.
There is a large playing field that can be accessed from the hall and a children’s playground.
Details of hire charges, conditions of hire and a booking form can be found by clicking on the documents listed on the right of this page.
For booking enquiries, please contact Kim: email or call 01502 475251.
For general enquiries about the Village Hall, please contact Roy Hurrell (Chair, Village Hall Committee) 01502 476707